Friday, October 9, 2020

Bellus Castra Reptilium

 Introducing the "Bellus Castra Reptilium", translating to "Cute Camping Reptile".

Originally, named "Forgnosaur", Bellus Castra Reptiliums are Sapient Amphibian like species, highly intelligent and capable of breathing underwater for prolonged periods of time.

The Cute Camping Reptiles are very social and build houses and communities comparable to that of Humans.

The individual depicted in the image is called "Green Frog", for the resemblance to a frog and green skin tone.

Green Frog is a "macro Bellus Castra Reptilium", this subgroup measures a maximum of 2-6ft in cubic-feet.

Another group within Bellus Castra Reptilium, can reach sizes upwards of 50 cubic feet, this group is called;

"Bellus Castra Reptilium Maximus" .

A crested Subgroup within the Cute Camping Reptile Family is called; 

"Crested Bellus Castra Reptilium".

A very fierce, predentary yet often friendly collection of individuals, most individuals of this subgroup live in rocky areas and caverns. They like to hunt prey which hide are much smaller or weaker then them such as "Monopedliterr" which often hide in small crevasses.

Crested Cute Camping Reptiles are cowardly towards larger opponents, so they often take refuge behind boulders or camouflage in the surrounding area with the use of their often sand-colored skin pattern.

Thank you so very much for reading this article on Bellus Castra Reptillium.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Dragon Image Burning Service

Hello, apologies for the long time no post. And thank you so very much for visiting.


have you ever wanted to have a 320x240 digital image burnt by an animated dragon? 

Well, now is your chance! 

Introducing... Dragon Image Burning Service.

Thy image burnt via dragon, by just sending your image along with your order number and preferred animation options and animation output options to my email address.

Please see the video of the burning process in action if you wish. 

Thank you so very much for discovering the dragons within the content. If you are interested in obtaining this service, please visit this link:

Soon after receiving your inquiry, I would send you an animation of your photo being Burt by a dragon!

My email address, along with Instructions on how to send your image and customize your animation, would be provided in a text document after purchase.

Thank you so very much for visiting. Have a wonderful week!



Thank You!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Private Policy

At Trilotaur's Shelf of Creatures, and the TrillotaurStore, we are determined to provide people with exclusive and intriguing content, ranging from a wide variety of unique images, videos, and products.

We would not exploit, or share the information (name, email, address, ect) you provide us with, unless otherwise noted or in accordance to law.

We strive in entertaining and inspiring the minds of individuals, and we hope you find our exclusive content to your satisfaction.

Thank you.

Trillotaur 2018

Friday, December 29, 2017


The squidiosaur/squidiosaur (squid-io-u-saur/squid-io-saur) is a large land-dwelling bipedal squid and dinosaur-like mollusc with a high level of intelligence.

The squidiosaur possess the ability to make and utilize tools, in which can be used in several unique applications, such as hunting, building, and engraving.

They construct their tools with the aid of their tentacles and high intelligence.

They often construct and or use use spare like hunting tools to hunt for underwater creatures like fish, and some creatures they may find on land.

The squidiosaurus may also cook their hunted and/or gathered food, with fire. If not already present in the area, squidiosaurus' would usually start the fire on their own by gathering wood and other materials, then with the aid of their tentacles, they hold and strike pieces of the material to form a spark to generate the fire.

The squidiosaur's powerful and agile tentacles are also capable of entangling any obstacle, predator or prey which stands in their way.

And thanks to the squidiosaur's long and powerful legs, and streamlined body, the squidiosaur can run upwards of 40 mph, making it capable of capturing some of the speediest prey in its habitat, or escaping becoming prey.

Thanks for viewing.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Easter 2017

Happy Easter 2017,  Plase enjoy these images of this little pink Easter Hare I've sculpted out of polymer clay.

Thanks for viewing and Have a great Easter!

Saturday, December 31, 2016



                             STRIVING TO ARCHIVE THE GENOMIC PRIZE

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Donald Trunk: Make America Grunt Again!

People of the nation, I present to you our new Stomper and chief Donald Trunk!

And you know He ain't gonna stop at nothing to "Make America Grunt Again!"

Trunk's Campaign Logo

 Bald  Trunk 

Hairy Trunk

Complete Trunk

This Polymer clay Elephant/Mastodon sculpture took an entire day and night to complete, It looks just plain awesome, Thus the time it to complete is so very worth it.

The elephant in the room.